I have a tall and exceptionally spindly rubber plant. A few weeks ago I decided to try air layering and create roots near the top section where there are nice healthy, big leaves and get rid of the rest of it. You may just see a bulge near the top of the trunk. That is a spagnum moss and cling film bandage. This is airlayering and has bloomin’ worked to my great surprise. Roots have appeared at the cut away of the bark underneath the moss and I’ll soon cut it off and replant the top into its own pot, assuming the decapitation causes no further difficulties. Very excited that this had worked as I was sceptical my fingers were any shade of green.
My plants’ survival is due to their own determination and in spite of my care rather than any deliberation on my part. Today though, I had another surprise - noticed sudden growth of leaves/tiny branches from the nodules left by previously fallen leaves (caused by temporary darkness and neglect). I do know that if you cut a score just above a nodule it can turn into a branch and I did do this after the leaves had fallen but nothing grew. And that was literally years ago! But this week it has decided to spring into life without me doing anything. So my intention now is to cut the top off and replant and then wait for the new branches to grow a bit bigger. I’ll then chop off the crappy, curled leafed and weedy central section and see how it fares. There is also another leaf growing out from nodule of a deliberately cut leaf near the air layering. It’s just fascinating how nature survives and fights on. Gives me hope about the future, if my wee, lanky rubber plant can suddenly burst in to life and growth then anything is possible.😁👍 Anyone want a rubber plant?? I might end up with 3.😲 #aintnaturegrand #rubberplants #growth #airlayering #airlayeringpropagation #hopeforthefuture #anyonewantarubberplant? via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CCMYq44F7sy/
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