Why can I never keep a tidy work space? I start big and wide then pile stuff on top and close in to a smaller and smaller tiny bit in the middle and then realise I’m cutting on something I shouldn’t be.😬
#maker #mess #workspace #crammed #tidy #smallerandsmaller via Instagram https://ift.tt/2wypCi1
He’s alive!! Not very steady cam as was clenched betwixt me knees.😆😯
#stopmotion #animation #dragon #bitingtail #isolateandanimate #stopmotionapp #animatingontheiphone March 26, 2020 at 11:41PM via Instagram https://ift.tt/39peLEa Ooh, I’ve found a stop motion app for my phone - sound on!😂 . #stopmotion #animation #dragon
via Instagram https://ift.tt/3buEmx3 Been busy making some bread rolls today...with yeast only 4 years out of date. Needless to say there wasn’t a whole lot of rising going on so chucked in a bunch of baking powder. It kind of worked. They are a bit solid but edible...by me anyway, I’ll eat most things. Also been doing a bit of modelling, going a little more according to plan. There be Dragons! This one is a bit naked and looks more like a dragon foetus at the moment, especially because of the pink Super Sculpey but scales and ears and whatnot to be added. Aiming for a celtic look. Tried a few different looping shapes but I think this looks ok. #baking #supersculpey #therebedragons #dragon #celtic #modelling #sculpting #dragonfoetus #coronacrafting Via Instragram https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NYKFlFjr7/ As not a whole bunch of things happening this weekend (i.e. nowt) I thought I’d take some Sculpey home to practice a bit of tiny thing sculpting...just I forgot to put in any sculpting tools. Doh! So Kirby to the rescue!! Turns out quite a good substitute. Anyone else use unusual tools for making? #homemadetools #sculpting #kirby #sculptingtinythings #making #sculpey #face #heed #tinyhead #unusualtoolsoutofusualthings #tools #polymerclay via Instagram https://ift.tt/2UpDgvD Suspended in vac animation. Yup, that Easyflo 60 liquid plastic has a pretty darn short cure time. More speedy mixing required for sure but maybe vaccing this one isn’t really really necessary...??but i like it? . vacproblems #mouldmaking #casting #modelmaking #easyflo60 #plastic #plasticcasting #shortcuretime #butilikethevac via Instagram https://ift.tt/2W9PYkB So what can you do with flexible plastic pipe hose, heat shrink, alligator clips and the shabbiest bit of plywood you can find? Make a custom Helping Hands of course! Thanks to YouTube and inspiration from @7stringbassist I made this. 😁 Gonna hold so much stuff!😂👈🤛✊👊👍🤜👉 #helpinghands #youtubeeducation #making #diy #alligatorclips #flexibleplasticpipe #makeityouself #scabbywood #holdstuff via Instagram https://ift.tt/2vSwkic Finished my first ever stint (6 days) of being an art department runner for a tv production. And survived. And now having a well-earned glass (tumbler - smashed all my nice glasses, not all at once though) of wine. It was a hectic, long and very interesting week. All the movies you see with the plucky young intern getting pulled left and right, trying get to a place, deliver a thing, take something somewhere else, stop doing that, do this... Yeah, all that...except the young bit.😂 Definitely plucky though. Many thanks to Laura and all at WP art dept for being so lovely and welcoming. Learnt loads, racked up 663 miles on my wee red car, met some fantastic people and even got to mess about with paint and stick things together a wee bit. Time for chill now. #artdepartment #runner #wine #goodweek #oldestrunnerinthewest via Instagram https://ift.tt/2PPTQmQ |