Started another fun little extracurricular project yesterday. Let’s see how these little fellas develop...
#sculpture #making #propmaking #props #figures #wire #maskingtape #polystyreneegg #aluminiumwire #gargoyles #demon #devil #horns #spotlights #whosrude? #yourerude! #cheeky #creatures #wip #workinprogress March 27, 2021 at 07:49AM via Instagram
First go at hot foil transfer decals. Didn’t have quite the right glue but improvised and after a bit of jiggery pokery got it to stick. Note to self - clean off excess glue before baking! 🤦♀️ #scrapeyscrapey
Need more practice but perfect imperfection is very pleasing. #foiledagain #hotfoil #pigsticksp #mugdecals #adaptation #makeit #makeitwork #doingitforthefirsttime #making #mugart March 26, 2021 at 03:10PM via Instagram Update on the ol’ boudoir furniture. Rustic gilding I call it. Really quite like it. It may now look more like kids’ bedroom furniture but as I already have glow in the dark stars on my ceiling I think it will fit in fine🤩✨⭐️ And hopefully it will aid me into dreamyland. 🌜🥱😴✨
furniturerestoration #rusticgilding #ropeygilding #notforthekids #itsforme #stars #tothemoonandback #crescentmoon #iseestars #moon #allthecolours March 16, 2021 at 06:19PM via Instagram Last couple of days in the workshop have been spent sprucing up my old and very tired looking bedside cabinet and a wee table. The cabinet was a rather boring 80s looking veneered chipboard affair and I’ve been’s would look comfortable in a Mexican restaurant. No eating tacos in bed though! Think of the crumbs!😳 Gee wilikers, help ma boab.😯 Tomorrow I am going to add some gold motifs. Oh yes I am!
#upcycle #spruceup #freshenup #furniturerestore #brightcolours #mexicanrestuarantcolours #arribaarriba #gold #allthecolours #painting March 15, 2021 at 08:50PM via Instagram Today, I have been mostly casting pewter metal. Ooh, I like it! 🔥🔥🔥 Pewter has a very low melting point so a hot plate was more than sufficient heat. Oooooh, the things I could make....🤩 Lock up your old tankards I’m comin’ for ye!😂 . #pewter #lowmeltingpoint #metalcasting #hotplate #siliconemould #heatresistant #hothothot #pewtercasting #making #propmaking #tvprops #newtechniques #experimenting
March 10, 2021 at 05:57PM via Instagram Today’s teeth. Only stage one of the process. I have a theory of how to go about what I’m trying to do. It is so far still very theoretical but hopefully it’ll work. I do like to experiment. Probably making things more complicated than they need to be but that’s my penchant and prerogative. Why do things simply, what’s the fun in that??
#teeth #makingteeth #plastercast #props #tvprops #propmaking #plasterteeth #za22 #siliconemould #mouldmaking #casting #stageone #injectionmoulding #experimenting March 09, 2021 at 08:08PM via Instagram Been mixing it up the last few days. Made a Surge Arms fake pub sign (suitably creepy graphics by talented Surge friend and lunatic fringe Steve Vertigo). The shape is based on the Slaughtered Lamb pub sign from the classic film American Werewolf in London. I’m not a horror fan in the slightest but I do love certain ones, that’s a cracker right there. . And today I’ve also been making some teeth. It’s a funny old game this.
Check out @surgescotland for their final online live cabaret at The Surge Arms on 1st April from 9pm. It’s a hoot and full of marvellous bizarity. Get it on a Zoom near you. Not an April Fool...well I don’t think so... . Of course it will only be the final one unless we go into lockdown again.😳 mixingitup #propmaking #props #tvprops #fakepub #gerouttamypub #surgearms #justforfun #surge #surgescotland #onlinecabaret #finalcabaret #aprilfool? #livecabaret #stevevertigo #teeth #faketeeth #americanwerewolfinlondon #slaughteredlamb #slaughteredlambpub #pubsign March 09, 2021 at 07:57PM via Instagram Expanding foam is fun and can be unpredictable. Nailed it with this one though! 🤟What a nice little foam ball. Maybe I should frame it.
#mouldmaking #casting #expandingfoam #nailedit #propmaking #niceball #perfectioninform March 01, 2021 at 07:14PM via Instagram |