Buddy’s been getting his mould on. It’s been trial by bubble as I decided to see how much of a difference the old vacuum chambering (sucking out air bubbles) really makes. All cast in Jesmonite and trialling with vaccing, not vaccing, double vaccing... and yeah, guess what... the most laborious double vaccing (the one in the middle) was the winner. All the others had those pesky bubbles. Still at least I got a no bubbled cast. Pretty pleased with that.😁 #experimenting #mouldmaking #casting #skull #snakes #skullhead #fantasy #art #modelling #monsterclay #jesmonite #snakesonaskull #vacuumchamber #suckingoutthebubbles #bubbles #pesky via Instagram https://ift.tt/2uIdBpc
I made a subscribe button gif for the contact page on my website! I knew that animation degree would come in handy one of these days.🤣
#animation #pigsticks #pigsticksp #engage #gif #contact #makinggifs #makingthoseskillsandqualificationscount via Instagram https://ift.tt/39OTkNz Meant to have a go at this about 2 months ago. Where does the time go?? Monster clay! I like it. I think I'll call him Buddy. More embellishments to happen... #monsterclay #sculpting #sculpt #tinysculpting #tinysculpture #clay #modelling #skull #goth #gothic #fangs #buddy #thingsilke #jenkilgour #pigsticksp via Instagram https://ift.tt/3bDBA9K Experimenting with mica powder, pigment and gold foil and leaf. Interesting results and nice effects. Working with jesmonite and layering resin. Got a good shine on the clear polyester resin too. Think the lacquer coat on the masters was a good idea. #resin #jesmonite #experiment #moulding #casting #propmaking #jewelmaking #resincast #foil #gold #leaf #pigment #micapowder #smooth via Instagram https://ift.tt/2vdYYK4 My pal Iain popped in yesterday and he kindly took a panorama pic of me in my workshop. A little side project he’s doing with people’s workshops and studios. Fortunately, it was fairly tidy but it’s made me realise that I need more stuff on that right hand wall. Far too bare! And I’ve just realised you can also see Iain in the mirror! Don’t know if he planned it that way!😂 #workshop #panorama #portrait#propmaker #maker #atwork #jenkilgour #pigsticks #pigsticksp#iainpiercy #barewall Yey! So excited to finally show you what I was up to at the end of last year. I got tasked with designing and making a superhero action figure model for the new Bank of Scotland TV adverts featuring Glasgow's own Susan Calman. Coming to a screen near you! The first ad is out now, don't know when my gal will be shown but keep your eyes peeled! Big thanks to production designer Andy Drummond and LS Productions. Also to Jim Rusk and Gordon Rogers. #modelmaking #sculpture #prop #model #figurine #propmaking #propmaker #superhero #female #actionfigure #ladieswhokickass #tvcommercial #lsproductions #susancalman #bankofscotland #newwork #production #design #create #make #excitingtimes #myfirsttvadvert #advert #commercial #pigsticksp #pigsticks #jenkilgour via Instagram https://ift.tt/2UvfeRk |