Here’s some Monday afternoon cuteness for you! This is wee robot from Number One Newton Avenue that I made last year. He doesn’t have a name I don’t think, so if anyone has any ideas feel free to suggest. Made from a cannibalised kid’s tech/mech kit and a postal tube. He has a spring loaded head with moving arms and swinging hips. He is the Tiny Dancer! 🕺Stands about 12cm tall. All the creatures and creations have been animated in Cbeebies’ Number One Newton Avenue, so they really do come alive.😁 All episodes available on BBC iplayer.
#propmaking #props #robot #cardboardrobot #toy #toyrobot #numberonenewtonavenue #cbbc #bbc #cbeebies #kidstv #tv #tvprops #kidseducationaltv #maths #funmaths #cuteness #yellowstars #tinydancer #eltonjohn August 30, 2021 at 03:19PM via Instagram
This week has been all about theatre, dahling! Outdoor theatre that is. It’s the latest thing dontcha know. Collaborating with fabulous costume designer and textile artist @zephyrliddell, I’m creating some parts of her costume designs for a performance next month. What are they? Why, they’re eyeballs silly. 👀 Getting my foam on and trying to get to grips with Blender; an open source 3D app that also allows you to make paper patterns. It came to my attention through artist friend @kriksix. Ta, Sumit! He’s a total pro! I’m probably not doing it the simplest/most efficient way as I’m still a total noob but it’s giving me what I need and it’s going well so far. Foamsmithery and 3D computery stuff are on my list of my “I want to get better at that” so it’s always good to have a project that gives those opportunities. And thanks to @polyprops for all the foam I have, finally getting to have a go. This is fun!😁 🐖in💩 😁 .
#propmaking #theatre #outdoortheatre #zephyrliddell #costumemaking #foam #plastazote #polyprops #foamsmithery #patternmaking #props #patterns #costume #polyprops #blender #paperpatterns #foampatterns #cosplay #3d @blender.official August 27, 2021 at 08:17PM via Instagram GIANT! Raspberries! Resin cast berries with foam leafy bit (I don’t know what you call that, does anyone know? I suppose it’s part of the stalk) and garden wire for the stalks to hang from. I think they were about 60mm tall. Not super giant but way bigger than your average bear. Got a wee pic of them in situ, scroll to see if you’re on Insta or FB. Prop makes from CBeebies series Number One Newton Avenue, created last year for wee yins for their maths brains and on iPlayer now! More makes to come! . #numberonenewtonavenue #cbeebies #bbc #cbbc #propmakes #tvpropmakes #tvshow #kidstv #kidstvshow #raspberries #giantraspberries #moulding #casting #resincasting #resin #easyflo60
August 26, 2021 at 12:22PM via Instagram It may be pissing it down outside but it’s all go inside. Officially back in the workshop and making a giant cuboid. 🧐🤓😯 Up with the power tools! 💥 Woohoo!
#workshop #raining#scottishweather#itwasscorchingyesterday#propmaking #props #setbuilding#wood #powertools #sawing #timber#cuboid #building #propmaker#glasgow Via Instagram Hoorah! A show has been broadcast so I can finally show you some of the stuff I’ve been making over the last year. Made around last Sept/Oct time for “Number One Newton Avenue” on CBeebies. You can see all the episodes on iPlayer. Aimed at the younger generation using maths in everyday situations. This is a bug hotel made from bleached and weathered plywood with its own little bug signs. I’ve only had a quick swatch of a clip of this episode and I think they didn’t use the signs in the end but them’s the breaks.🤷♀️ The hotel looks pretty good though I think. Had a lot of fun making all these mad and mostly cute things. Will post up more over the coming days. Production designer Jamie MacWilliam Art director Caroline Grebbell Art assistant Norton Proven - lovely folk! #numberonenewtonavenue #cbeebies #cbbc #bbc #bughotel #propmaking #props #propmaker #educationaltv #itsabugslife #maths #learningmaths #tvprops #tvshow #making #kidstvshow #kidstv August 25, 2021 at 07:31PM via Instagram |