There are a lot of You Tube makers' channels I subscribe to but see The Crafsman right there, he is my biggest favourite. Snap! He's the only one I get really excited when I see there's a new video out. Check him out even if you don't make things, he's the Bob Ross of crafting.
Came across him whilst looking for info on Apoxie Clay and fell in love. I not only love what he makes in his episodes but he is funny, entertaining and engaging; he goes about it with so much love and enthusiasm. And he's not afraid of showing mistakes which makes him even more endearing. I just had to give him a shout out because of the great work he is putting out there. Get with the Crafsman vibe and keep on steady craftin' right there. #makersofyoutube #thecrafsman #makers #making #craftsman #shoutout #youtube #steadycraftin #seethatrrighthere #bobrossofcrafting @steadycraftin via Instagram
I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with superglue. It's great when things stick and don't get brittle or other weird reactions but I inevitably get it on my fingers and stick myself together. I am, by nature, a bit messy when making things, so doing tidy, small things can be more of a challenge for me, not impossible but a challenge. Not sticking my fingers together whilst using super glue may be the other. #superglue #stickingfingerstogether #modelmaking #mouldmaking #tidywork #messyworker via Instagram First cuppa in my new workshop mug that I got from ma big pal Karen for my birthday. Cheers m'dear, makes it taste even better. #workshopmug #newmug #gift #tea #alwaystimefortea via Instagram Queen Mama Bear is atop her tree, xmas can now commence! Carry on. There is a tree under all that tinsel, honest. #xmas #xmastree #neverenoughtinsel #queenmamabear via Instagram It seems like work is a lot like buses, nothing for ages and then 3 come all at once. Stay tuned to hear about the last one in a month or so. Safe to say I'm looking forward to a leisurely festive period. Work is all done and dusted and now it's time for play. And for play I mean finally getting a go at Monster Clay. So many people have said how wonderful it is as a sculpting material but I had yet to try it out. Play time will shortly commence! #monsterclay #playtime #modelmaking #propmaking #making #sculpting #fun #notwork via Instagram I love finding new local places for supplies and materials. The Number One Bead Shop in Glasgow was a wondrous discovery today. Any kind of bead or clasp they probably have or if they don't they could probably get it for you. Online is great but between time and delivery costs it’s always much nicer to be able to just go and get something. Also being able to see and handle it in real life before you buy is always better. It's discreetly nestled in the middle of the cornucopia that is the Glasgow City Antiques shop on Lancefield Street; another vast collection of all sorts where I could spend a whole afternoon looking at things. I met this chap pictured when I was having a wander. Will definitely be back! #findingnewplaces #numberonebeadshop #glasgowcityantiques #glasgow #beads #glasgow #antiques #meetingnewfriends via Instagram |
March 2024