Ooh, it was wet....again. Yes, it was raining in Buchanan Street when WOSUP were doing our Big Busk for Alzheimers Scotland this morning. However, we ploughed on and did ourselves proud. The lovely Glasgow shoppers seemed to appreciate our gusto performance by depositing lots of pennies in our buckets as well as the other fabulous buskers. Great time had if a little (big bit) soggy. Rounded off the afternoon with coffee and pie at Dino's. Lovely.
My lovely stall at Art Fusion @ Gibson Street Gala. Had a lovely day with only a bit of a small downpour. Loads of people came, estimating about 6000 over the day and I sold my print in the Silent Auction and my drawing on the Wall (the live art wall happening on the day, pictured below)! So many people stopped by for a chat, it was lovely. Even Gregg from We Love to Boogie got to see his immortalisation in oil paint. So much thanks to the other organisers for making it happen, we done good. Great day.
Next up maybe paintings on railings, Kelvingrove, next Sunday; weather dependent. Oh, and not forgetting my uke club are doing a "Big Busk" for charity this Saturday at the top of Buchanan Street. In celebration of National Dementia Awareness Week and the theme of creativity, Alzheimer Scotland will be holding a series of Big Busk events across Scotland during the week of 18 - 24 June 2012. WOSUP, West of Scotland Ukulele Players, have been asked to take part in the event happening at the top of Buchanan Street on Saturday 23rd June starting at 11ish and doing a set of around 40mins. Come along if you're about, geez yer money and have a listen to our motley crew, however, I can confirm we won't actually be playing any Mötley Crüe. Though, it might go in the next songbook... Managed to get a dry spot after the down pour. Ah, you gotta love Sotland's changeable weather. Lots of lovely comments and big thanks to Marianne, Linzi, Zoe, Amy, Jef, Tim and Liz for being the Art Fusion crew. And of course big thanks to Liz at Hillhead High for letting us show our work. Just keep doing the sun dances for next Sunday!
This Saturday, 9th June, sees Art Fusion's pre-show at Hillhead High' Summer Fete. Artists Jefrus, Lynn Howarth, Marianne Vosloo, Tim Dijkman, Zoe and Amy Armstrong and Selma Rebus will show their work as a taster for Art Fusion @ Gibson Street Gala on Sunday 17th June. Lollipop maker Liz Shearer will also share her Outstanding Lollies.
Oh, and me too! Make sure you come along and join the fun. |