Latest project all finished and delivered so back to refining this workshop into a well-oiled machine. This afternoon’s project was inspired by Adam Savage on his @testedcom YouTube channel, which I avidly watch and highly recommend for entertainment as well as fab making knowledge. Adam used to work at ILM and mentioned one time that they would cover their benches with a new brown paper cover at the beginning of every new project and I thought that sounded like a good plan. . So I got a big roll of brown paper that then gave me the wee challenge of making a brown paper roll dispenser for my bench. Scrap wood and a bit of bamboo later and...Boom, there’s yer dinner! Smooth action👌
#making #workshop #organisation #paperrolldispenser #tablesover #inspiration #propmaking #ilm #adamsavage #tested #testedcom #industriallightandmagic #tablecover #benchcover #diy #scrapwood #recycle #upcycle #reuse #maker #propmaker November 27, 2020 at 04:32PM via Instagram
Success! The 100 complete and all accounted for! Hoorah! Resin casts for a single movie prop that will be revealed in due course (when its been shown) Asked to make 100 of them for crew gifts. Pretty cool!
It did have a soundtrack of Fiest's 1234 song...cos, counting but its been taken off so you'll just have to sing it yourself. 10 down...90 to go... Nope, they’re not prawn crackers but resin casts. New moulds to make and the factory production continues...
#propmaking #howmany????? #multiples #mouldmaking #casting #props #making #keepinontruckin #whatsitgonnabe? November 22, 2020 at 05:19PM via Instagram Even more tool shelves and clamp bars. Just look at that! A thing of awesome beauty. #workshop #shelves #tools #clamps #organisation #organisationstation #gettingtidy #tidy #sorted #toollife November 19, 2020 at 06:00PM via Instagram Weird noises in the ceiling... This morning I started hearing little creaky noises in the ceiling and at first thought it was some sort of dripping, yikes! Imagining all sorts of biblical floods gushing into my workshop. However, I then thought it sounded more like hoppy noises. It is a bird?? Is it a rat?? How on earth did it get in there?? And how to get it out?? Fortunately there’s a false ceiling so I moved a tile and opened a window and lay in wait. Unfortunately I was just too late to film the critter’s release but the wee guy flew to freedom shortly after. I think it might have been a sparrow or more likely a starling. Was gone in a flash. All is well with the world.😁
#glasgowwildlife #savingbirds #saviour #goodfeels #glasgowstarling #strangenoises #birdscaughtinweirdplaces #glasgowburds November 09, 2020 at 10:30AM via Instagram Next prop project...more moulds and castings. Find out tha morra if the first cast comes out ok, I’m away home.👋
#bigdrip #rubber #props #firstcast#movieprops #propmaking#mouldmaking #rubbercasting#siliconemoulds #platsilFS10#polytekPTflex85 #mould #casting@mouldlife @mbfibreglass via Instagram |
March 2024