![]() ARRGH! There's been a bung hole breach. Solution? More silicone... . If all else fails, may have to abandon and go on to Plan B that costs money. Big ol' tubes! Well new ones...unless I can go skip raiding!! Oooh! #bungholebreach #withiebath #planb #leaking #siliconeseal via Instagram https://ift.tt/2zIFoo4
![]() WHISKY BUNG HOLE! The withie bath is complete. Complete with bung hole too! I swithered all over the place about whether to put a proper sink waste hole and or nothing at all but I thought it would be a nightmare to try and empty without something. My solution was a two piece threaded flangey fitting thing I found in my workshop. I can't even remember what I originally bought it for but I'm sure it was something I had abandoned.. And my stopper is the cork from a bottle of Bunnahabhain I recently finished. Whisky pals and recyclist pals would approve both! Whether it's watertight is still to be proven but I need to wait for the silicone squirt I put round it to cure before I have my first test. Update soon! #bunghole #whiskybunghole #withiebath #bunnahabhain #whisky #whiskyplug #whiskypals #recyclist #silicone #flange #flangey #making #propmaking #propmaker #props #makeit #makingit #madebyme #modelmaker #maker #modelmaking #art #artist #jenkilgour #pigsticks #pigsticksp #pigsticksproductions via Instagram https://ift.tt/2ZFDuDk ![]() Myself and the fabulous Karen Bones are looking for blank walls. We've decided to team up to offer a hand painted mural service to utilise our talents. We've also decided we need some new works as portfolio pieces to kick start the whole affair so we are offering the chance to have your own Pigsticks and Bones mural for the paltry price of material costs only (bunch of paint). From bedrooms to bathrooms to sheds to businesses to indoor halls to outside walls. We've had a few offers already and though we can't provide everyone with free labour, we're wanting to spread the word, see what people want and if anyone would be interested. . We can only do a couple as freebies so PM me and we can put you in the pot. It'll be like a prize draw! The image above is one of the murals we did (with some others) for the Princess Royal Maternity Neo-natal unit in Glasgow. #murals #muralpainting #freebie #karenbones #princessroyalmaternity #glasgow #handpainting #painting #making #propmaking #propmaker #props #makeit #makingit #jenkilgour #pigsticks #pigsticksp #pigsticksproductions #animation #animated #modelmaker #maker #modelmaking #art #artist via Instagram https://ift.tt/2ZxxD3a ![]() Next random project...making a withie bath. That is, a trough to soak withies (willow shoots). Got a big bunch of Flanders Red to muck about with from the lovely Kate Sankey at West Moss-side Farm near Thornhill. She advised me this type needs about a week's soaking to make it pliable so I thought I better get cracking! I live in the city and rather than risking losing the withies in the Kelvin I thought I could get some sort of long receptacle, like a long planter tub. Unfortunately the Internet did not come up with anything long enough so I thought I shall have to make it! Had a bit of a thought and after finding out I don't have enough room in my workshop to cut an 8x4 sheet of plywood, I decided to utilise the remaining laminate haul I got from Freecycle. Hopefully it will hold together. Will silicone the hell out of it and put a waterproof tarp liner. Think I will put in a plug hole too as it would be a nightmare to empty. It’ll be heavy enough without the water! Next stage...liner. Fingers cross it doesn;t leak! via Instagram https://ift.tt/2PfCQbL Sound on! Snail is alive!
Kind of. Armature-less and only some hinged "feets" - first prototype and general messing about. I do love to amuse myself. via Instagram https://ift.tt/33PcTTS ![]() I made a fleece snail. Trial run prototype for a puppet for animation. I didn't even iron it, just stuffed it full of filling! Living on the edge, that's just how I roll baby! Trialling for working out best movement and how to build the skeleton/armature. Considering snails are invertebrates technically they shouldn't need a skeleton however it will be necessary in this case. I suppose though they are just one big muscle. I made a little animation too, don't think it will win any Oscars but you'll have to wait for me to get home when I can edit it together. via Instagram https://ift.tt/2Njr8Ky ![]() Aw, blast from the past of all of 2 years ago in 2017. When I was involved in the Riu d'Art residency with Riba Rocks and the good people of Riba Roja in Catalonia. Here's my La Sumera i L'Unicorn sculpture that I believe is still standing. Such an awesome time had. #Repost @ribarocks with @get_repost (1) La Sumera i l’unicorn - Jennifer Kilgour 2017 Si voleu unir-se a las visitas guiadas aquest estiu poseu-vos en contacte amb Riba Rocks per telèfon 608 256 577 o envieu un correu electrònic a [email protected] (els tours són en català, castellà i anglès) Visit Riba-roja d'Ebre 2019 ❤ #riudart #riudart2019#riudartresidency #ribarocks#museualairelliure #museoalairelibre#openairgallery #ribarojadebre#contemporaryart#contemporarystreetart #streetart#catalunya #catalunya_art#coworking #zonaliquida via Instagram https://ift.tt/2YUIt3D He's back together! Hippie is rejuvenated and rockin' out to some Blind Melon. *apologies for supremely ropey puppetry skills via Instagram https://ift.tt/2Nc8CDN ![]() Warning! NSFW! Naked hippie! Though, it's probably his preferred state, easier to commune with nature, maaaaan. So Hippie is now 26 years old and looking pretty good for it. Admittedly, he's been sleeping in a shoe box for a big chunk of that time. Anyway, as I've been recently thinking about marionettes, I decided to give him some TLC. The hemp string I used all those years ago has somewhat deteriorated and so a refresher is required. I also never got round to making a controller for him so that's on the to do list too! via Instagram https://ift.tt/2z4P3Fu ![]() |