This here is a stone bear that I believe one of the child characters of Out of Darkness carries as a toy. It is inspired by “The Lion Man”, an ancient ice age stone carving discovered in the 1930s and thought to be the oldest representation of art ever found. A Jesmonite casting to look like stone or ivory. He stands about 10 cm tall. I like him.
Is he a bear or is he a lion, you decide? #outofdarkness #stoneagemovie #stoneagehorror #darkness #horror #carving #jesmonite #bear #lion #moulding #casting #scotland #scottishfilm #highlands #propmaking #props
Next up for the Out of Darkness props selection is the bone discs. I know these definitely got in because they are featured in the trailer. Cut from a real sheep’s scapula found in a field somewhere, I moulded, cast in resin and then carved 12 progressive versions of the disc. Unfortunately, these weren’t all used as they changed the carving design of the drawing and used the blank ones I supplied. They look pretty good though. They liked the discs so much that they asked if I would make 100 of them in the new carving design for crew gifts. I was quite chuffed. So, 100 very thin castings later, I had a big pile of discs. I hope the crew liked them.
. #outofdarkness #stoneagemovie #stoneagehorror #darkness #horror #actionprop #bone #bonedisc #thaumatrope #moulding #casting #scotland #scottishfilm #highlands 🎵 One of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn’t belong. Can you tell which thing is not like the other by the time I finish this song?🎵
Out of Darkness, Stone Age horror movie, that I made some small props for, over three years ago is finally out in the UK. This job was one of my first professional propmaking jobs and is still one of my very favourites. I now have to sum up the courage to go and watch it. Yey, I’m a woose when it comes to horror! 😱 Big thanks to Gordon Rogers @gorrgrs and Jamie Lapsley @jamielapsleydesign for giving me the opportunity! First up are some rubber flint daggers. My very first soft action prop weapon. One of them is the real thing, can you tell which one? Art Director @gorrgrs Set Decorator @tonerartgirl Construction @prettyscenicglasgow Propmakers @pigsticksprops @wyshcreative Rockface moulds supplied by the amazing @z0mbiem0nkey This week on the BBC’s Great British Menu, you got to see Scottish chef, Kevin Dalgleish of Aberdeen’s Amuse restaurant, compete against his peers for
the second year and guess who made his props?? Yes, that’s right, me! Sadly Kevin didn’t make it through to final but he made a cracking effort. Finally, the last course and the last prop to show is the dessert and Rugby gets a shout out with Kevin’s take on Peach Melba. A Paris Olympics 2024 Rugby Sevens Logo platter with tiny rugby ball and goal posts. You can take your chances of a goal AFTER you’ve eaten please! With a further nod to Hawick Rugby Club, who started the Rugby Sevens and is Kevin’s home town and to the late, great rugby legend, Doddie Weir, as their tartans don the post pads at the base of the rugby posts. A nice little tribute. . #greatbritishmenu #greatbritishmenu2024 #kevindalgleish #kevindalgleishchef #scottish #props #propmaking #gbm #gbm2024 #amuserestaurant @amusebykevindalgleish @kevindalgleishchef #bbc #bbc2 #optomen This week on the BBC’s Great British Menu, you got to see Scottish chef, Kevin Dalgleish of Aberdeen’s Amuse restaurant, compete against his peers for the second year and guess who made his props?? Yes, that’s right, me!
Sadly Kevin was knocked out the competition last night but he did an amazing job. Must have been under so much pressure! Well done for getting so far.👏👏👏 This here, is the Olympic cauldron for the pre-dessert. Mostly the flames it has to be said but with some tiny battery powered LED lights and lots of flamey netting. The lovely glass dish from @goodfellowsltd was perched on top of the cauldron as if floating above. A fun little idea that got more and more flamey as it went on. A soupçon of a sorbet before the big dessert. Admittedly, there were a couple of cheeky comments from one of the judges about it but you can’t please everyone. All criticism taken on board and used for the next time. And anyway, my mum thought they were fab so that’s all that matters.😂 #greatbritishmenu #greatbritishmenu2024 #kevindalgleish#kevindalgleishchef #scottish #props #propmaking #gbm#gbm2024 #amuserestaurant @amusebykevindalgleish@kevindalgleishchef #bbc #bbc2 #optomen This week on the BBC’s Great British Menu, you’ll get to see Scottish chef, Kevin Dalgleish of Aberdeen’s Amuse restaurant, compete against his peers for the second year and guess who made his props?? Yes, that’s right, me!
Kevin seems to be storming through so far! Getting through to the second round Tuesday night and then to the third round last night. Check him out (and my props) on tonight’s episode in front of the table of judges from 8pm! Now back to my props! This one is the platter for the Main course of venison and haggis and the Olympic Rowing. This platter was a reclaimed scaffolding board in its previous life from @glasgowwood. These lovely slabs got a new life and the chance of stardom on the tv. Big thanks to @prettyscenicglasgow who allowed me to abuse their big planer machine. Shaped in to a paddle and finished with a lovely soft lime wax. A couple of drilled out shallow circles for the tiny sauce pots to nestle completed the presentation. A venison dish fit for an athelete. Venison...roe...row...geddit?! #greatbritishmenu #greatbritishmenu2024 #kevindalgleish#kevindalgleishchef #scottish #props #propmaking #gbm#gbm2024 #amuserestaurant @amusebykevindalgleish@kevindalgleishchef #bbc #bbc2 #optomen This week on the BBC’s Great British Menu, you’ll get to see Scottish chef, Kevin Dalgleish of Aberdeen’s Amuse restaurant, compete against his peers for the second year and guess who made his props?? Yes, that’s right, me!
Do take the chance to watch the show if you can and see the props and their dishes in full glory. I don’t know how far he got in the competition (top secret!) Next up, was the Fish course. So when you think fish, you think running, don’t you! This was inspired by the film “Chariots of Fire” running beach scene. Kevin wanted a model replica of the West Sands beach where it was filmed and I suggested tiny runners. So with a bit of artistic licence, a cannibalised tiny men model set, pebbles from my mum’s village river and various tiny sculpted molluscs, the beach platter came into being. I think this was my favourite. Even got a bit of North Sea murk into the resin surf. All the mussels you could want to keep your sole’s lemon sole geddit Sorry, not sorry, the puns are too good not to use. #greatbritishmenu #greatbritishmenu2024 #kevindalgleish#kevindalgleishchef #scottish #props #propmaking #gbm#gbm2024 #amuserestaurant @amusebykevindalgleish@kevindalgleishchef #bbc #bbc2 #optomen This week on the BBC’s Great British Menu, you’ll get to see Scottish chef, Kevin Dalgleish of Aberdeen’s Amuse restaurant, compete against his peers for
the second year and guess who made his props?? Yes, that’s right, me! Do take the chance to watch the show if you can and see the props and their dishes in full glory. I don’t know how far he got in the competition (top secret!) so some might not get to be on the show but I’ll post them all up in the coming days. First up, broadcast last night, was the Starter – a good place to start indeed. Kevin wanted an Olympic podium for his dish and so a gold, silver and bronze podium was made with an addition of a hoist-able GB flag. All the circles! My wee bandsaw had its work cut out for it – pun intended! With a big dish of artichoke and root vegetable rice cake perched atop the highest podium, Kevin deserves to win gold! I did notice a special mention of the podium by Andrea and Andi at the scoring section. Go Team Pigsticks! #greatbritishmenu #greatbritishmenu2024 #kevindalgleish#kevindalgleishchef #scottish #props #propmaking #gbm#gbm2024 #amuserestaurant @amusebykevindalgleish@kevindalgleishchef #bbc #bbc2 #optomen Tonight starts the Scottish rounds week of BBC 2’s Great British Menu, where you’ll get to see Scottish chef, Kevin Dalgleish of Aberdeen’s Amuse restaurant, compete against his peers for the second year and guess who made his props?? Yes, that’s right, me!
Do take the chance to watch the show if you can and see the props and their dishes in full glory. Starting tonight at 8pm on BBC 2 and on the rest of the week. Kevin was great to work with and gave me loads of creative freedom. Was the most fun prop make of last year. Sooo much work! 5 repeats of 5 very different props. I don’t even know how far he got (top secret!) so you’ll just have to watch for yourselves. I’ll be posting up all my makes here, so even if they don’t get their chance to be on the show, you’ll be part of the elite few who get to see them.😉 . #greatbritishmenu #greatbritishmenu2024 #kevindalgleish#kevindalgleishchef #scottish #props #propmaking #gbm#gbm2024 #amuserestaurant @amusebykevindalgleish@kevindalgleishchef #bbc #bbc2 #optomen