Nightsleeper ladders. These are real ladders but with the tips replaced with a foam replica so they could be used as a battering ram but not damage the set so much for retakes. I made a mould of one of the ends and then lopped them off. Set the mould into the nub and cast the foam insitu. With a bit of threaded rod cores for a bit of stability. An interesting challenge.
#propmaking #ladders #props #nightsleeper #trainthriller #bbc #moulding #casting September 29, 2024 at 01:13PM via Instagram
Next prop from Nightsleeper…foam fire extinguishers. Well, foam bottoms. Top parts real with firm but foamy bottoms. Used to bash something but aiming for not too much damage to the set. Finished with silver printed vinyl by the fantastic talents of the graphics wizz kids @annatoffolo Looks pretty top notch!
September 23, 2024 at 07:21PM via Instagram Fake laptops for Nightsleeper! Was being thrown against a wall in a fit of fury so they needed something a bit lighter that won’t make a massive gauge in the set wall. Resin cast back filled with foam and painted. Never realised how many holes and vents laptops have until I need to block them up so the silicone wouldn’t go everywhere inside. Amazingly it still worked after the moulding process. Not sure if the sockets would be any use though! Real one on the right, the logo would be covered up so didn’t need to replicate the shiny shiny.
September 20, 2024 at 11:42AM via Instagram It’s soft action prop time again! This time for the BBC’s new runaway train thriller Nightsleeper that was on at the weekend. Can you tell which is the real one?
Rubber/resin mix to make it fairly rigid but not as painful as metal if it fell on your foot. I was quite pleased with how these came out and apparently it was difficult for folk to tell the real metal crowbar from the resin one. Until picked up of course. Job done in my book! 😁 To be honest I can’t remember which was real anyway. It was summer last year for goodness sake!😂 #propmaking #props #tvshow #tvprops #softactionprops#fakecrowbar #nightsleeper #bbc #runawaytrain #thriller#actionprop #crowbar |